Dolphins owner: There definitely will be an NFL season | FOX Sports

Dolphins owner: There definitely will be an NFL season MIAMI (AP) — Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross says he’s soldier the NFL...

Dolphins owner: There definitely will be an NFL season

MIAMI (AP) — Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross says he’s soldier the NFL will play in 2020, with or exclusive of spectators.

“I think there definitely will be a football season this year,” Ross said Tuesday during an interview on CNBC. “The real examine is will there be fans in the stadiums?”

The NFL has said it expects to play a full schedule shock Sept. 10, but is preparing contingency plans in case the coronavirus pandemic invents venue changes or games without fans necessary.

“Right now, now, we’re planning on having some fans in the stadiums,” Ross said. “But I think the NFL is very flexible so that we will be able to open on time and bring that entertainment that is really so required to all of us in this country.”

The beleaguered has kept to its offseason schedule of conducting free activity, the draft and the release of the schedule. Some teams reopened making complexes on a limited basis last week.

The NBA, NHL and MLB have been idled by the pandemic.

“One sketch we miss is our sports,” Ross said. “I don’t think a lot of republic realize it until they no longer have it. Certainly the NFL, I think, will be ready to go. I know we’re all looking presumptuous to it. I know I am.”

Earlier this month, the Dolphins said their stadium committed to becoming the generous to receive accreditation from a cleaning manufacturing association for infectious disease prevention efforts. CEO Tom Garfinkel said the team is considering social distancing proposals for games, and perhaps limiting crowds to 15,000.

“We’ve done a lot of things down in Miami,” Ross said. “We’re prepared either way, and hopefully there will be fans in the stadiums.”

Ross, a New York real estate designer and chairman of Related Companies, said the hotel and retail Service Amenities are being hit hardest by the pandemic.

“You are touching to have such a flood of cases touching to the bankruptcy court,” Ross said.


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The World News Reference: Dolphins owner: There definitely will be an NFL season | FOX Sports
Dolphins owner: There definitely will be an NFL season | FOX Sports
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